Practicing Psychologists In Boca Raton help a wide variety of people and treat many different kinds of issues. Psychologists In Boca Raton work with people who have life adjustment problems, are experiencing emotional distress or suffer from mental illness. They treat individuals of all ages as well as families and groups. Some of the most common issues treated by Psychologists In Boca Raton include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, stress-management problems, self-esteem, couple and family issues, and severe mental illness. They can also provide patients with psychological testing, assessment, and diagnosis of mental illness.
At Proliance Center, we treat individuals for all of the issues mentioned above as well as others on an individual basis. Psychologists In Boca Raton have a background of extensive education and experience in these areas and often choose to practice within a certain specialty such as social anxiety.
Psychologists In Boca Raton treat the above-mentioned presenting problems through psychotherapy. This involves gaining an understanding of each individual they see to help them improve their function at home, work, play, relationships, and daily life. They are often involved in every aspect of thought, behavior and feeling.
Find Out What the Psychologists Specialize In
Many Psychologists In Boca Raton, in addition to have a specialty treatment area, work with patients using a preferred treatment modality. Some of the most common treatment modalities include psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive/behavioral, and systems therapy. Each of these modalities can be applied to a wide range of problems, but are used at the preference of the experienced treating Psychologists In Boca Raton to address the individual needs of their patients.
The professionals at Proliance Center treat patients with a variety of needs and incorporate various treatment modalities into their practice. With extensive education, training, and experience, you can be assured that you are receiving the highest level of care when choosing Proliance Center to meet your emotional and mental health needs.