Stop Dieting!

Advice From Dr. Kranzler on Living Healthy

Whoever I speak to about dieting tells me that it’s misery, plain and simple.  It’s also confusing as it seems that everyone and their mother have a completely different way of dieting.  Those who I’ve spoken to have tried diets that tell you to cut animal products, others that tell you that cutting carbs is the way to go, and many many more variations.  But there is one thing that unites all diets; invariably, they don’t last.  They can’t, especially the more extreme ones.

I’ve spoken to so many people who feel that they have been “dieting” their whole lives but never seem to get anywhere.  Most people who diet regularly try one and then another and then circle back to the first or second and so on, only to find that when they stop dieting or “cheat” they gain weight back.

Stop Dieting, Change Your Lifestyle

I believe that the solution isn’t dieting, it’s lifestyle change.  When you change the way you think about food and how you eat, that’s when the real success comes.  So yes, I am actually saying that the best way to lose weight is to stop dieting.  But the opposite of not dieting isn’t eating whatever you want.  It is eating healthily in general and enjoying the really unhealthy but delicious food every now and then, in moderation.

Eating well to feel well and enjoying all foods, the unhealthy ones in small doses, leads to satisfaction and happiness.  So yes, stop dieting and start living.  Look to eat more unprocessed whole foods, whole grains and natural products.  But for goodness sake don’t stop eating pizza, or ice cream, and certainly not chocolate.  And when it’s time for a treat, take a small amount of it and eat it slowly, and mindfully, paying attention to everything about it.

When you slow eating down and truly pay attention to it you can enjoy the things you love in smaller amounts which will seem like larger amounts because of the attention you give to them.  So yes, stop dieting.  It’s time to start living.

– Dr. Jeff Kranzler, Proliance Center