Currently browsing: Couples Therapy

Man sitting on couch holding hands over his face as his partner walks away angrily.

The Five Stages of Ending a Long-Term Relationship

Sometimes relationships just aren’t meant to be. Love has plenty of ups and downs, but increasing negativity can be a sign that a relationship is simply not working out. However, relationship problems can be complicated, and it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether or not it’s time to leave, […]

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Young woman with ban-aids on her arm looking upset as a man's arms reach out for her.

Spot the Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship

Relationships can be a wonderful, mutually fulfilling means of growth and development for both partners. In a good, healthy relationship, we may feel as though our partner brings out the best in us, and we the best in them. We love and support each other, through the best of times […]

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Man in dress shirt ripping a sign in half that reads "trust"

Easing the Fear of Commitment in Relationships

Commitment is perhaps one of the most emotionally provocative words in our vocabulary. It can bring up notions of relationships or responsibilities, or even important obligations. Some of us seek commitment as it can bring feelings of grounding and stability. After all, to be committed to something is to dedicate […]

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Happy middle-aged woman closing her eyes in happiness while her male partner embraces her.

The Common Culprit in Problem Relationships

Love can sometimes be a roller coaster of emotions, both positive and negative. Even with all the ups and downs, some relationships are worth fighting for. Others, not so much. It’s important to be able to tell the difference. When a relationship is toxic, it results in more harm than […]

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Picture of a couple in their late 20s laying in bed with backs to each other.

5 Common Complaints Heard in Couples Therapy

It’s often said that love is a roller coaster – and with good reason! Incredible as it is to spend your life with the person you love, relationships often have their ups and downs. Most of the time, the underlying problems which are causing friction are miscommunication and difficulty connecting. […]

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Couple sitting up in bed, arguing

How Views on Sex are Changing in Couples Therapy

For many years, the subject of sex has been shrouded in myth and taboo. It’s perhaps not surprising, then, that many medical professionals  also tended to believe more conservative but ultimately unsubstantiated claims about human sexuality and relationships. Modern medicine, however, has made impressive strides within the past decade alone. […]

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A couple sits with a therapy to talk about good relationship skills

How to Tell Good Therapy from Bad Therapy

Many approaches have been taken to therapy over the years. Modern therapy as we know it began with Sigmund Freud who experimented early on with what he believed to be the talking cure. Today’s psychotherapy, however, comes in a number of forms, but the common thread lies in the communication […]

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Couple sitting up in bed, arguing

How Couples Therapy Can Improve A Relationship

Love is an amazing, wonderful thing, but just as with anything else, it can have its fair share of ups and downs. Unfortunately, the intensely personal and emotional nature of love makes it so that when we experience those occasional “downs” they seem truly painful. In relationships we learn to […]

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