Getting Over a Breakup

One of the things I often hear in my office from people who are working on getting over a breakup is a sadness that they can no longer be in or go to a certain place they used to love.  The reason is that while getting over a breakup they associate it with a lost love they no longer date or a trauma they experienced at that certain place.  Human nature being what it is, in getting over a breakup they have a tendency to just avoid it or leave it (in the case of a home).  While this is unavoidable for some people in getting over a breakup, depending on the situation, another option is to “reclaim” the place by creating new memories in it.

This can be a good option in getting over a breakup if you used to like to go to a favorite restaurant; park or such with a former love and avoid it so as not to remember that person.  The way to do this is by taking your new love interest or even a friend or two to that place.  At first, in getting over a breakup, it will be awkward for you, but if you do it over and over again you will find that as new enjoyable memories are created the old ones will begin to fade and you will have your place back.

What about if in getting over a breakup the place is your home and you have certain bad memories associated with it, such that you want to move?  Obviously, in getting over a breakup everyone is different, so that in the case of extreme trauma (death, divorce, etc.) you may need to move.  However, if that is not an option for you in getting over a breakup, you can take steps to reclaim your home.  Again, the key in getting over a breakup is to create new pleasurable memories in your home, over and over again.  Redecorate, change things around, get rid of old things and objects, move things and most importantly have people over that can make you smile and laugh in your own place.  In time, during the process of getting over a breakup, the newly created visual environment and memories will supersede the old and you will have your home back.  Give it a shot and know that while getting over a breakup may be a struggle there are people that can help you through it.  If you find that is the case give us a call today.  We at Proliance Center are here to help!