Posts archive for May, 2014

Sibling Fights Could Indicate a Need for Family Therapy

If your children are fighting frequently, family therapy may be able to help. Sibling aggression and bullying are usually the result of an unhealthy family dynamic. That’s why the whole family needs to seek help. Focusing on just the victim or just the aggressor will not ultimately solve your family’s […]

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Parenting Techniques

Being a parent is one of the toughest jobs in the world, if not the toughest.  It’s also one that doesn’t require a degree.  How wonderful would it be if along with a positive pregnancy test came a free intensive parenting techniques program!  Oh sure, there are tons of books on parenting […]

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Stop Dieting!

Advice From Dr. Kranzler on Living Healthy Whoever I speak to about dieting tells me that it’s misery, plain and simple.  It’s also confusing as it seems that everyone and their mother have a completely different way of dieting.  Those who I’ve spoken to have tried diets that tell you […]

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